Wednesday, April 6, 2011


When you’re living a new healthy lifestyle, it is important to have some accountability. You’ve got to tell people about what you’re doing. If you make it a public announcement, you’re more likely to stick to your goals. For some people, announcing it to the world may not sound like the most appealing idea and that’s ok. You need to find an accountability partner. He/she needs to be someone that you trust and is dependable. This person may not be your best friend. Sometimes best friends like to comfort you. You need someone who isn’t going to put up with your excuses. For example, my Mom and I are accountability partners. Sometimes she’ll come home from work and be like, “I’m tired. I don’t feel like working out” I have to remind her that she isn’t going to reach her goals with that attitude. Most of the time, she’ll suck it up and press play.
I think the best accountability that I have found is on social media. When I was doing P90X, I found other people on Twitter, who were also doing P90X. We would always report to each other about our workout that day. It was nice to find people that were doing the same routine as I was. We could relate to each other. I really don’t think I would of got through P90X had it not been for them. When I didn’t feel like doing my workout, I would think to myself, what would the people on Twitter think? It really pushed me that extra mile. I enjoyed sharing my success with them. Whenever I was doing my workout and did something out of the norm, such as not taking breaks during Plyometrics or doing the bonus round, I always look forward to tweeting it after I was done. Twitter provided me with accountability, as corny as that may sound.
If you are struggling to stay on track, find an accountability partner. If you don’t have any family or friends that would fit the job title, look elsewhere. Visit Twitter, Facebook, message boards and try to find people that can relate your story and journey. I am always available to be an accountability partner, so please contact me if you need an extra push. I’ll take and give all the accountability I can get!

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